API compatibility

C library (libc) interfaces
    Source code compatibility for SCO OpenServer applications
        Functions defined in different libraries
        Functions that exist only on SCO OpenServer
        Data structure incompatibilities
    Binary compatibility for SCO OpenServer
    Binary compatibility for SCO UnixWare 2.1.X
    libc compatibility table (a64l - bzero)
    libc compatibility table (calloc - cuserid)
    libc compatibility table (dbm_clearerr - dup2)
    libc compatibility table (eaccess - fgetpos64)
    libc compatibility table (fgetpwent - fprintf)
    libc compatibility table (fpsetmask - fseeko64)
    libc compatibility table (fsetpos - fwscanf)
    libc compatibility table (gcvt - getopt)
    libc compatibility table (getpagesize - gettxt)
    libc compatibility table (getutent - getutxline)
    libc compatibility table (getw - hsearch)
    libc compatibility table (iconv - islower)
    libc compatibility table (isnan - isxdigit)
    libc compatibility table (jrand48 - ltol3)
    libc compatibility table (makecontext - mktime)
    libc compatibility table (mlock - optopt)
    libc compatibility table (pclose - qsort)
    libc compatibility table (raise - rindex)
    libc compatibility table (scalb - setvbuf)
    libc compatibility table (sigaddset - step)
    libc compatibility table (strcasecmp - strxfrm)
    libc compatibility table (swab - tmpfile64)
    libc compatibility table (toascii - updwtmpx)
    libc compatibility table (usleep - vwscanf)
    libc compatibility table (wait3 - wcsstr)
    libc compatibility table (wcstod - wscanf)
    C library compatibility notes
        tm structure source compatibility notes
        bcopy/bcmp/bzero source compatibility notes
        bsearch binary compatibility notes
        confstr source compatibility notes
        dlsym source compatibility notes
        eaccess source compatibility notes
        fnmatch source compatibility notes
        ftw/nftw source compatibility notes
        glob/globfree compatibility notes
        iconv binary compatibility notes
        isnan/isnand/isnanf source compatibility notes
        jmp_buf compatibility notes
        mallinfo binary compatibility notes
        nl_langinfo source compatibility notes
        passwd structure compatibility notes
        sigset_t compatibility notes
        sysconf source compatibility notes
        ttyslot source compatibility notes

C general purpose library (libgen) interfaces
    mnttab source compatibility notes
    pwd.lock file compatibility notes
    spwd structure source compatibility notes

Threads and asynchronous I/O (libthread) interfaces

Network support library (libnsl) interfaces
    libnsl compatibility table (auth_destroy - clnt_destroy)
    libnsl compatibility table (clnt_dg_create - clnt_vc_create)
    libnsl compatibility table (clnttcp_create - dials)
    libnsl compatibility table (endnetconfig - IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED)
    libnsl compatibility table (inet_ntop - nlsrequest)
    libnsl compatibility table (pmap_getmaps - set_rpc_createerr)
    libnsl compatibility table (svc_auth_reg - svcerr_weakauth)
    libnsl compatibility table (svcfd_crate - svcudp_create)
    libnsl compatibility table (svcudp_enablecache - xdr_quadruple)
    libnsl compatibility table (xdr_reference - ypprot_err)
    libnsl compatibility notes
        Connection server compatibility notes
        AUTH structure source compatibility notes
        CLIENT structure source compatibility notes
        Berkeley style client calls
        netconfig file notes
        Portmapper source compatibility notes
        Berkeley style service calls
        SVCXPRT structure source compatibility notes
    Transport interface (XTI and TLI)
        TLI/XTI on SCO OpenServer
        TLI/XTI on SCO UnixWare 2.1.X
        TLI/XTI compatibility table

Sockets interface
    Socket addressing
    libsocket compatibility table (accept - ether_ntohost)
    libsocket compatibility table (freeaddrinfo - geturg)
    libsocket compatibility table (herror - ruserok)
    libsocket compatibility table (select - vsyslog)
    Sockets compatibility notes
        accept source compatibility notes
        bind source compatibility notes
        connect source compatibility notes
        ether_aton source compatibility notes
        ether_hostton source compatibility notes
        ether_line source compatibility notes
        ether_ntoa source compatibility notes
        ether_ntohost source compatibility notes
        ftruncate/truncate source compatibility notes
        getpeername/setpeername source compatibility notes
        getsockname/setsockname source compatibility notes
        getsockopt/setsockopt source compatibility notes
        gettimeofday/settimeofday source compatibility notes
        listen source compatibility notes
        netgroup compatibility notes
        recv/recvfrom/recvmsg source compatibility notes
        select source compatibility notes
        send/sendto source compatibility notes
        shutdown source compatibility notes
        socket source compatibility notes
        openlog source compatibility notes

Name resolution (libresolv) library routines
    _res structures
    Resolver options
    libresolv compatibility table
        res_mkquery compatibility notes

File transfer protocol (ftp) interface
    FTP compatibility table

NetBIOS interface

STREAMS interface
    STREAMS ioctl compatibility table
    STREAMS source compatibility notes
        I_GETCLTIME compatibility notes
        I_RECVFD source compatibility notes
        I_S_RECVFD source compatibility notes
        I_SETSIG source compatibility notes

Event queue (libevent) interface

SNMP (libsnmp) interface
    make_varbind source compatibility notes
    parse_pdu source compatibility notes

SNMP I/O (libsnmpio) interface
    get_response source compatibility notes
    initialize_io source compatibility notes
    send_request source compatibility notes

SMUX (libsmux) interface
    Object identifier (OID) structure source notes
    Object type (OT) structure source notes
    SCO OpenServer 64 bit counters
    Aggregate structure notes

Termios and termio interfaces

curses (libocurses) interface
    curses header files
    terminfo and termcap databases
    X/Open curses (formerly libstdcurses) library

BSD database management (libdbm and libndbm) interface

Encryption (libcrypt) interface

Executable and Linking Format (libelf) interface

Licensing API

X client interfaces
    X server extensions