API compatibility

Source code compatibility for SCO OpenServer applications

The ability to recompile on UnixWare 7 code that was developed on SCO OpenServer is limited by the interfaces that the UnixWare 7 and SCO OpenServer implementations of libc have in common.

Fortunately, there is a great deal in common between the two implementations. The problem areas are:

Functions defined in different libraries

Name UnixWare 7
SCO OpenServer
dial libnsl libc
eaccess libgen libc
getutmp libc
getutmpx libc
gsignal libgen libc
nlist libelf libc
ssignal libgen libc
updwtmp libgen libc

Functions that exist only on SCO OpenServer

Name UnixWare 7 alternative
defopen On SCO OpenServer, this function is in libc; on UnixWare 7, a similar function with the same name exists in libxattr, which has slightly different calling parameters. See /usr/include/deflt.h.
defread On SCO OpenServer, this function is in libc; on UnixWare 7, a similar function with the same name exists in libxattr, which has slightly different calling parameters. See /usr/include/deflt.h.
nl_cxtime Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see strftime(3C) instead.
nl_ascxtime Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see strftime(3C) instead.
nl_printf Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see fprintf(3S) instead.
nl_fprintf Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see fprintf(3S) instead.
nl_sprintf Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see fprintf(3S) instead.
nl_scanf Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see fscanf(3S) instead.
nl_fscanf Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see fscanf(3S) instead.
nl_sscanf Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see fscanf(3S) instead.
nl_init Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see setlocale(3C) instead.
nl_strcmp Provided for XPG2 conformance on SCO OpenServer only; see string(3C) instead.
nl_strncmp No equivalent on UnixWare.
sched_get_priority_max sched_get_priority_min sched_get_rr_interval sched_getparam sched_getscheduler sched_setparam sched_setscheduler sched_yield No equivalent on UnixWare.
__scoinfo sysinfo(2)
setegid setregid(3C)
seteuid setreuid(3C)
statlstat stat(2)
strncoll No equivalent on UnixWare.
strnxfrm No equivalent on UnixWare.
usersgroups getuid(2), getgroups(2)

Data structure incompatibilities

The compatiblity tables for libc discuss any incompatibilities in the data structures used by the functions in libc on SCO OpenServer and UnixWare. The tables begin in the section ``libc compatibility table (a64l - bzero)''.

Next topic: Binary compatibility for SCO OpenServer
Previous topic: C library (libc) interfaces

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 27 April 2004