
Grades -- BNU remote job grades definition file


user_job_grade system_job_grade job_size permit_type id_list


The /etc/uucp/Grades file gives system administrators the ability to define the job grades (and the permissions associated with each job grade) that users may specify to queue jobs to a remote computer.

The fields in the Grades file are as follows:

Establishes an administrator-defined user job grade name of up to 64 characters.

Specifies the one character job grade to which user_job_grade is to be mapped. The valid list of characters is ``A''-``Z'' and ``a''-``z'', with ``A'' having the highest priority and ``z'' the lowest.

Specifies the maximum job size that can be entered in the queue by this system_job_grade. job_size is measured in bytes and may be a list of the following:

where nnnn is an integer that specifies the maximum job size for this job grade

where n is a decimal number that represents the number of kilobytes and K is an abbreviation for kilobyte

where n is a decimal number that represents the number of megabytes and M is an abbreviation for megabyte

a keyword to specify that there is no maximum job size

For example:

represents 5000 bytes

represents 10 kilobytes

represents 2 megabytes

Contains a keyword that denotes how to interpret the contents of id_list (see below). The keywords and their meanings are:

id_list contains the login names of users permitted to use this job grade.

id_list contains the login names of users not permitted to use this job grade.

id_list contains the group names whose members are permitted to use this group.

id_list contains the group names whose members are not permitted to use this job grade.

Contains a list of login names or group names that are to be permitted or denied queuing to this job grade. The list of names are separated by white space and terminated by a newline character. The keyword Any denotes that anyone is permitted to queue to this job grade.

The fields in a Grades file entry are separated by white space. The last field in each entry consists of sub-fields that are also white-space separated. If an entry takes up more than one physical line, then a backslash (\) is used to continue the entry onto the following line. Comment lines begin with a hash sign (#) and occupy the entire line. Blank lines are ignored.


NOTE: The Grades file should only be administered if you are using job grades. If you are not using job grades, it is not necessary to modify this file.

The system-supplied Grades file contains the following three default grades:

   high    F      Any      User      Any
   medium  S      Any      User      Any
   low     n      Any      User      Any
The user job grade may be bound to more than one system job grade. Note that the Grades file will be searched sequentially for occurrences of a user job grade. Therefore, any multiple occurrences of a system job grade should be listed according to the restriction on the maximum job size.

While there is no maximum number for the user job grades, the maximum number of system job grades allowed is 52. The reason is that more than one user_job_grade can be mapped to a system_job_grade, but each user_job_grade must be on a separate line in the Grades file. For example:

   mail      N     Any     User     Any
   netnews   N     Any     User     Any
Given this configuration, these two user job grades will share the same system job grade. Since the permissions for a job grade are associated with a user job grade and not a system job grade, it is even possible for two user job grades to share the same system job grades and have two different sets of permissions for each one.

Default grade

As an administrator, a default user job grade can be bound to a system job grade. To do this, use the keyword default as user job grade in the user_job_grade field and the system job grade to which it is bound. The restrictions and ID fields should be defined as Any so that any user and any size job can be queued to this grade. For example:
   default   a      Any      User      Any
If you do not define the default user job grade, then the built-in default grade (Z) will be used. Because it is assumed that the restriction field is Any, multiple occurrences of the default grade are not checked.


Config(4bnu), Devconfig(4bnu), Devices(4bnu), Dialcodes(4bnu), Dialers(4bnu), Limits(4bnu), Permissions(4bnu), Poll(4bnu), Sysfiles(4bnu), Systems(4bnu)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004