EELS application programming interface

Example EELS driver module

The following example is a listing of a kernel module that uses the EELS API. The module provides an ioctl interface so that messages can be sent directly from a test application to the kernel driver.

    * EELS test driver - provides an ioctl() interface to
    * enable the user to connect and submit log messages
    * as though originating from a normal kernel driver

#ifdef _KERNEL_HEADERS #include <util/types.h> #include <svc/errno.h> #include <io/conf.h> #include <util/debug.h> #include <io/eels/sys/eels_inf.h> #include <io/eels/eels_test/eels_drvr/eels_edt.h> #include <mem/kmem.h> #include <util/ksynch.h> #include <util/mod/moddefs.h> #include <io/ddi.h> #else #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/conf.h> #include <sys/debug.h> #include <sys/eels_inf.h> #include <sys/eels_edt.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/ksynch.h> #include <sys/moddefs.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> #endif

int edt_load(void); int edt_unload(void); int edtopen(dev_t *, int, int, cred_t *); int edtclose(dev_t , int, int, cred_t *); int edtioctl(dev_t , int, void *, int, cred_t *, int *);

int edtdevflag = D_MP;

MOD_DRV_WRAPPER(edt, edt_load, edt_unload, NULL, "eels test driver");

edt_load() { return 0; }

edt_unload() { return 0; }

/* * Open the edt device. */ int edtopen(dev_t *devp, int oflags, int otyp, cred_t *crp) { return 0; }

/* * Close the edt device. */ int edtclose(dev_t dev, int oflags, int otyp, cred_t *crp) { return 0; }

/* * The main guts of the driver. Stage user supplied requests * to the EELS driver and configure the stream as required. */ int edtioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, void *arg, int mode, cred_t *crp, int *rvalp) { eels_handle_t handle = 0; edt_i_log_t log, *logp; edt_i_connect_t con, *conp; size_t size; int retval;

switch(cmd) { case I_EDT_LOG: /* Issue an eels_log() call using supplied parameters */ if (copyin(arg, &log, sizeof(log))) { return EFAULT; } if (log.strlen == 0) { return EINVAL; } size = log.strlen + sizeof(log) - 1; logp = kmem_zalloc(size, KM_NOSLEEP); if (logp == NULL) { return EFAULT; } if (copyin(arg, logp, size)) { return EFAULT; } eels_log(logp->handle, logp->level, &logp->str); kmem_free(logp, size); break; case I_EDT_CONNECT: /* Issue an eels_initialise() call using supplied parameters */ if (copyin(arg, &con, sizeof(con))) { return EFAULT; } if (con.desclen == 0) { return EINVAL; } size = con.desclen + sizeof(con) - 1; conp = kmem_zalloc(size, KM_NOSLEEP); if (conp == NULL) { return EFAULT; } if (copyin(arg, conp, size)) { kmem_free(conp, size); return EFAULT; } /* Now pass the description to the eels_initialise() call */ retval = eels_initialise(&handle, &conp->desc); kmem_free(conp, size); if (retval) { return retval; } else { con.handle = handle; if (copyout(&con, arg, sizeof(con))) { return EFAULT; } } break; case I_EDT_TERMINATE: /* Issue an eels_terminate() call using supplied parameters */ handle = (eels_handle_t )arg; return eels_terminate( handle ); default: return EINVAL; } return 0; }

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 27 April 2004