Installing the DMI package
DMI is shipped as a separately installable package, so if it
was not installed when UnixWare 7 was originally installed, you will
need to install it from the UnixWare 7 CD-ROM using one of
two methods:
by using the UnixWare 7 Application Installer, a graphical
administration tool for installing software available within
by using pkgadd from the command line
If you want to use the Application Installer, see
``Installing software (Application Installer)''.
If you want to use pkgadd from the command line, log in as
root and follow this procedure:
Insert the UnixWare 7 CD-ROM
in the drive and enter the following command to mount the filesystem as
mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/
To install the DMI package, enter:
pkgadd -q -d /mnt dmi
Unmount /mnt by entering:
umount /mnt
During the installation, kernel parameters for shared memory (SHMSEG
and SHMMNI) may be set and the kernel may be rebuilt. At the end of
the installation you may be asked to reboot your system. See
``Shared memory segments''.
Next topic:
Starting the DMI Service Provider
Previous topic:
DMI 2.0 Installation and release notes
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 27 April 2004