Some nonportable code is flagged by lint in its default behavior, and a few more cases are diagnosed when lint is invoked with -p and/or -Xc. The latter tells lint to check for constructs that do not conform to the ANSI C standard. For the messages issued under -p and -Xc, check the ``Usage'' section below. Examples:
char c;where EOF has the value -1, will always fail on machines where character variables take on nonnegative values. One of lint's -p checks will flag any comparison that implies a ``plain'' char may have a negative value. Note, however, that declaring c a signed char in the above example eliminates the diagnostic, not the problem. That's because getchar must return all possible characters and a distinct EOF value, so a char cannot store its value. This example, which is perhaps the most common one arising from implementation-defined sign-extension, shows how a thoughtful application of lint's portability option can help you discover bugs not related to portability. In any case, declare c as an int.c = getchar(); if (c == EOF) . . .
short s; long l; s = l;lint flags all such assignments by default; the diagnostic can be suppressed by invoking the -a option. Bear in mind that you may be suppressing other diagnostics when you invoke lint with this or any other option. Check the list in the ``Usage'' section below for the options that suppress more than one diagnostic.
intbecause, on most machines, an int cannot start on an arbitrary byte boundary, whereas a char can. If you suppress the diagnostic by invoking lint with -h, you may be disabling other messages. You can eliminate the problem by using the generic pointer voidfun(y) char
y; { return(int
)y; }
int a[10]; main() { int i = 1; a[i++] = i; }
Note that in this example the value of a[1] may be 1 if one compiler is used, 2 if another. The bitwise logical operator & can also give rise to this diagnostic when it is mistakenly used in place of the logical operator &&:
if ((c = getchar()) != EOF & c != '0')