The following table shows each of the named keys defined by FMLI and the alternative keystroke sequence that will produce the same result. <CTRL> represents the control key.
Named key | Alternative sequence | Form | Menu | Text |
BACKSPACE | <CTRL-h> | Moves cursor left one position, replacing the character there with a space | Same as LEFT-ARROW | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
BACKTAB | <CTRL-t> | Moves cursor to the previous field, whether above the current field or to the left, wrapping from the first field of the form to the last | Same as LEFT-ARROW | n/a |
BEG | <CTRL-b> | Moves cursor to the first field of the current page | Moves cursor to the first item, whether currently visible or not | Displays first frameful of text |
CLEAR-LINE | <CTRL-y> | Clears the current line | n/a | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
CLEAR-EOL | <CTRL-f> <y> | clears the current line from the current cursor position to the end of the line. | n/a | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
Named key | Alternative sequence | Form | Menu | Text |
<CTRL-j> or
<CTRL-f> <c> | Moves cursor to command line | Same | Same |
DELETE-CHAR | <CTRL-x> | Deletes the character under cursor and closes the gap | n/a | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
DELETE-LINE | <CTRL-k> | In multi-line fields, deletes the current line and closes the gap. In single-line fields, same as CLEAR-LINE | n/a | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
Named key | Alternative sequence | Form | Menu | Text |
DOWN-ARROW | <CTRL-d> | In a single-line field, moves cursor to the next field below the current one, wrapping from the last field of the column to the first. In a multi-line field, it moves cursor to the next line; on the last line, it moves cursor to the next field below the current one | Moves cursor down one item, wrapping to the top of the column in a single-column menu, the top of the next column in a multi-column menu. On the last item in the last column of a multi-column menu, it wraps to the top of the first column | Moves cursor down one line. It does does not wrap |
END | <CTRL-e> | Moves cursor to the last field of the current page | Moves cursor to the last item, whether currently visible or not | Displays last frameful of text |
ENTER | <CTRL-m> | In a single-line field, moves cursor to the next field, whether below the current field or to the right, wrapping from the last field of the form to the first. In a multi-line field, it moves the cursor to the next line. This key cannot be used to navigate from a multi-line field (it scrolls on the last line if the field is scrollable, stops and beeps if it is non-scrollable). Validation occurs even if no data have been entered or modified in the field since it became current | Selects the current item in a single-select menu, the marked items in a multi-select menu | Moves cursor down one line. It does not wrap |
HOME | <CTRL-f> <b> | Moves cursor to the first character of the current field | Moves cursor to the first item currently visible | Displays first frameful of text |
HOME-DOWN | <CTRL-f> <e> | Moves cursor to the last character of the current field | Moves cursor to the last item currently visible | Displays last frameful of text |
Named key | Alternative sequence | Form | Menu | Text |
INSERT-CHAR | <CTRL-a> | Inserts a space to the left of the character under cursor and moves cursor over the space. The next character entered will replace the space | n/a | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
INSERT-LINE | <CTRL-o> | In a multi-line field, if space is available, opens a line below the current line and puts cursor on that line. Otherwise, n/a | n/a | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
LEFT-ARROW | <CTRL-l> | Moves cursor non-destructively one character to the left. It does not wrap to the previous field, or the previous line in a multi-line field | Moves cursor left one item in a multi-column menu, up one item in a single-column menu. In a multi-column menu, it does not wrap. In a single-column menu, it wraps to the bottom of the column | Same as for forms |
MARK | <CTRL-f> <m> | n/a | In a multi-select menu, marks the item to be selected. In a single-select menu, n/a | n/a |
Named key | Alternative sequence | Form | Menu | Text |
NEXT | <CTRL-n> | Same as TAB | Same as DOWN-ARROW | n/a |
PAGE-DOWN | <CTRL-w> | In a multi-page form, moves cursor to the first field of the next page | In a scrollable menu, moves cursor to the first item of the next frameful of items and displays that frameful, unless there are fewer than 10 items, in which case the terminal rings (or flashes) | In a scrollable text frame, moves cursor to the first line of the next frameful of text and displays that frameful, preserving two lines from the current frame |
PAGE-UP | <CTRL-v> | In a multi-page form, moves cursor to the first field of the previous page | In a scrollable menu, moves cursor to the first item of the previous frameful of items and displays that frameful, unless there are fewer than 10 items, in which case the terminal rings (or flashes) | In a scrollable text frame, moves cursor to the first line of the previous frameful of text and displays that frameful, preserving two lines from the current frame |
PREV | <CTRL-p> | Same as BACKTAB | Same as UP-ARROW | n/a |
RESET | <CTRL-f> <r> | Resets a field to its default value | n/a | n/a |
RETURN | <CTRL-m> | Same as ENTER | Same as ENTER | Same as ENTER |
RIGHT-ARROW | <CTRL-r> | Moves cursor non-destructively one character to the right. It does not wrap to the next field, or the next line in a multi-line field | Moves cursor right one item in a multi-column menu, down one item in a single-column menu. In a multi-column menu, it does not wrap. In a single-column menu, it wraps to the top of the column | Same as for forms |
SCREEN-LABELED KEYS | <CTRL-f> <1> -- <CTRL-f> <8> | Performs the action assigned to the function key by default or by programmer | Same | Same |
SCROLL-DOWN | <CTRL-f> <d> | Rolls the contents of a multi-line scrollable field down by the number of lines displayed | Rolls the contents of a scrollable menu down one line, without moving the cursor | Rolls the contents of a scrollable text frame down one line, without moving the cursor |
Named key | Alternative sequence | Form | Menu | Text |
SCROLL-UP | <CTRL-f> <u> | Rolls the contents of a multi-line scrollable field up by the number of lines displayed | Rolls the contents of a scrollable menu up one line, without moving the cursor | Rolls the contents of a scrollable text frame up one line, without moving the cursor |
SPACEBAR | none | Replaces the current character with a space and moves cursor one character to the right | Same as RIGHT-ARROW | If text frame is editable, same as for forms. Otherwise, n/a |
TAB | <CTRL-i> | Moves cursor to the next field, whether below the current field or to the right, wrapping from the last field of the form to the first | Same as RIGHT-ARROW | n/a |
UP-ARROW | <CTRL-u> | In a single-line field, moves cursor to the previous field above the current one, wrapping from the first field of the column to the last. In a multi-line field, it moves cursor to the previous line; on the first line, it moves cursor to the previous field above the current one | Moves cursor up one item, wrapping to the bottom of the column in a single-column menu, the bottom of the previous column in a multi-column menu. On the first item in the first column of a multi-column menu, it wraps to the bottom of the last column | Moves cursor up one line. It does does not wrap |