
dtsession(1X)	  MISC.	REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES	    dtsession(1X)

     dtsession - the TED Session Manager

     dtsession [options] NOTE :	The dtsession client is	automati-
     cally  invoked by the DT Login Manager (dtlogin(1X)) via the
     Xsession script. If desired, dtsession may	 be  started  via
     the  Xsession  script on an existing X server. NOTE : dtses-
     sion automatically	starts a window	manager.

     The dtsession client provides ICCCM  1.1  compliant  session
     management	 functionality	during a user's	session, the time
     from login	to logout.  It	launches  a  window  manager  and
     allows  for saving	a session, restoring a session,	locking	a
     session, launching	screen savers and allocating  colors  for
     desktop compatible	clients.

  Key Supported	Tasks
     The dtsession client supports the following key tasks:
	  -  Initializing  a  session.	 -  Launching  a   window
	  manager.  - Restoring	a `home' or `current' session.	-
	  Providing session locking on	command	 or  timeout.	-
	  Providing  session screen saving on command or timeout.
	  - Acting as a	color  allocation  server  for	other  DT
	  clients.   -	Saving	a `home' or `current' session.	-
	  Displaying confirmation dialog at logout.  - Displaying
	  session  selection  dialog  at logout.  - Terminating	a

  A Session
     A session is the collection of  applications,  settings  and
     resources	that  are  present on the user's desktop. Session
     management	is a set of conventions	and protocols that  allow
     a	special	 session  manager  such	 as dtsession to save and
     restore a user's session. A user is able to log  into  their
     system  and be presented with the same set	of running appli-
     cations, settings and resources as	 were  present	when  the
     user  logged  off.	When a user logs into the desktop for the
     first time, a default initial session is loaded.  Afterward,
     dtsession	supports  the notion of	a current and a	home ses-

  The Initial Session
     When a user logs into the desktop for the first time, dtses-
     sion  will	 generate the user's initial session using system
     default values.  Refer to Session	Resource  Management  and
     Session Application Management for	more information.

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  The Current Session
     The user's	running	session	is always considered the  current
     session,  whether restored	upon login from	a saved	home ses-
     sion, a saved current session or the system default  initial
     session. Based on the user's Style	Manager	Startup	settings,
     when the user exits the  session,	the  current  session  is
     automatically  saved. When	the user next logs into	the desk-
     top, the previously saved current session is restarted. This
     means  that the desktop will be restored to same state as it
     was when the user last logged out.

  The Home Session
     Another option is having the desktop be restored to the same
     state  every  time	the user logs in, regardless of	its state
     when the user logged out. The user	may save the state of the
     current  session,	then  via  the Style Manager Startup set-
     tings, have the desktop start that	session	 every	time  the
     user logs in.

  Display-specific Sessions
     To	run a specific session for a specific display, a user may
     create  a display-specific	session. To do this, the user can
     copy the $HOME/.dt/sessions directory  to	$HOME/.dt/display
     where  display  is	the real, unqualified hostname (for exam-
     ple, pablo:0 is valid, or	local:0	is  not).
     When  the	user  logs  in	on  display pablo:0, that display
     specific session will take	precedence.

  The ICCCM Session Management Protocol
     For an application	to be saved  upon  logout  and	restarted
     upon  login, it must participate in a simple session manage-
     ment protocol. Dtsession  supports	 the  ICCCM  1.1  Session
     Management	Protocol.

     Applications that wish to save their state	can take part  in
     the  WM_SAVE_YOURSELF  protocol.  To do this, an application
     needs to set the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF property	on one	and  only
     one  of  its  top-level  windows.	When  a	session	is saved,
     dtsession will send the  application's  top-level	window	a
     WM_SAVE_YOURSELF  client message. At this point the applica-
     tion can proceed to quietly save its state. The  application
     cannot interact with the user in any way as it is saving its
     state. As an application will likely save its state  into	a
     file,  the	 session  manager provides a convenience function
     DtSessionSavePath() which returns a full pathname of a  file
     in	which an application can save its state. While the appli-
     cation is saving its state,  dtsession  is	 awaiting  notice
     from the application that it is done. To tell dtsession that
     the state save is complete, the application needs to  update
     the WM_COMMAND property on	its top-level window.

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     The WM_COMMAND property on	an application's top-level window
     serves two	purposes. First, a change of this property is the
     indication	to dtsession that an application is  done  saving
     its state and dtsession can proceed to the	next application.
     Second, the WM_COMMAND property value is expected to contain
     the  command  line	 that  dtsession  will use to restart the
     application  at  session  startup.	 If  an	 application   is
     launched  with  a full pathname, then it should use the full
     pathname when setting WM_COMMAND. Applications that  do  not
     need to save their	state, but wish	to be restarted, can sim-
     ply set WM_COMMAND	during	application  startup  and  forget
     about it.

     Refer to the  XmAddWmProtocols(),	XmAddWMProtocolCallback()
     and XSetCommand() API's for more information.

  Restoring A Session
     At	session	startup	time, dtsession	will determine which ses-
     sion  to restore. The following describes the precedence:	-
     Display-specific Current or Home Session -OR- -  Current  or
     Home Session -OR- - Initial Session

  Session Resource Management
     The session manager uses the X Server RESOURCE_MANAGER  pro-
     perty  on	which  to make available desktop resources to all
     applications.    The   session   manager	will   load   the
     RESOURCE_MANAGER in the following manner:	- load the system
     default resources -AND- -	merge  any  system  administrator
     specified	 resources  -AND-  -  merge  any  user	specified

     The   desktop   default   resources   can	 be   found    in
     /usr/dt/config/$LANG/sys.resources.  These	resources will be
     made   available	to   each   user's   session   via    the
     RESOURCE_MANAGER property.	This file should not be	edited as
     it	will be	unconditionally	overwritten upon subsequent desk-
     top installations.

     A	system	administrator  may  augment  the  system  default
     resources by creating /etc/dt/config/$LANG/sys.resources. In
     this  file,  a  system  administrator  may	 override  system
     default  resources	 or specify additional resources. As this
     file is merged into the  desktop  default	resources  during
     session  startup, it is preferrable that only new or updated
     resource specifications be	placed in this file, rather  than
     a	copy  being  made  of  the desktop default resource file.
     Resources specified in this file will be made  available  to
     each  user's  session  via	 the  RESOURCE_MANAGER	property.
     Resources specified in this file take precedence over  those
     specified in the desktop default resource file.

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     A user may	augment	the desktop default and	 system	 adminis-
     trator  resources via their $HOME/.Xdefaults file.	Resources
     specified in this file will be made available to  only  that
     user's  session via the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.	Resources
     specified in this file take precedence over those	specified
     in	 the  desktop  default	or  system administrator resource

     NOTE : The	X Toolkit Intrinsics specifies that it will  load
     resources for an application from either RESOURCE_MANAGER or
     from $HOME/.Xdefaults, but	not both. Ordinarily, this  would
     mean that the user's $HOME/.Xdefaults file	would be ignored.
     However, the session manager accomodates $HOME/.Xdefaults by
     merging  it  into the RESOURCE_MANAGER at session startup as
     described above. If a user	changes	 their	$HOME/.Xdefaults,
     their  changes will not be	visible	to new applications until
     the user invokes the ReloadResources action.

     The ReloadResources action	will instruct the session manager
     to	 reload	 the  RESOURCE_MANAGER	with  the  system, system
     administrator and user specified resources. This  is  useful
     to	make available to new applications changes made	to system
     administrator or user specified resource files.

     See also dtresourcesfile(4) and dtsessionactions(5).

  Session Application Management
     At	session	startup, the session  manager  will  restart  any
     applications  that	 were  saved  as part of the session. The
     system default set	of applications	to be restored as part of
     the    user's    Initial	 Session    can	  be   found   in
     /usr/dt/config/$LANG/sys.session. This file  should  not  be
     edited as it will be unconditionally overwritten upon subse-
     quent desktop installations.

     See also dtsessionfile(4).

     A system administrator may	replace	the set	 of  applications
     that  are	restored as part of the	user's Initial Session by
     creating  a  file	named	/etc/dt/config/$LANG/sys.session.
     Unlike  the resource files, this file will	be used	as a com-
     plete replacement for the desktop default	file,  so  it  is
     valid to make a copy of the system	default	file and make any
     necessary modifications.

  The Window Manager
     Dtsession is responsible for starting the window manager. By
     default  /usr/dt/bin/dtwm	is  started.  An alternate window
     manager can be specified with the wmStartupCommand	resource.
     Refer to the Workspace Manager specification for more infor-

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  The Style Manager
     The style manager provides	the interface by which a user can
     change various desktop and	X server settings for the current
     session. Refer to the Style Manager specification	for  more

  The Color Server
     Dtsession serves as the color server  for	the  desktop  and
     provides  a  set  of resources that can be	used to	configure
     it. The foregroundColor resource controls whether a pixel is
     allocated	 for   the  foreground	color.	The  dynamicColor
     resource specifies	whether	read-only colors  are  allocated.
     The  shadowPixmaps	 resource  specifies  whether  colors are
     allocated for top shadow  or  bottom  shadow.  The	 colorUse
     resource	limits	 color	allocation.   Finally,	the  wri-
     teXrdbColors resource specifies whether the *background  and
     *foreground  resources  are placed	in the resource	database.
     See the Color Server Resources section and	the  Color  Model
     specification for more information.

  Session Lock
     Dtsession provides	session	locking. The current session  can
     be	 locked	 directly  by pressing the lock	icon on	the front
     panel. If supported by the	X server, the current session can
     be	 locked	after a	specified period of inactivity.	To unlock
     the session, the user must	enter their login password.

     By	 default,  dtsession  supports	traditional  local   UNIX
     authentication  for  unlocking  the session.  Additional re-
     authentication function such as that required by DCE may  be
     added by individual vendors.

  Screen Savers
     Dtsession provides	support	for  the  launching  of	 external
     screen  savers  as	 a part	of session locking from	the front
     panel or, if supported by the X server,  after  a	specified
     period  of	 inactivity. Refer to the Screen Saver specifica-
     tion for information as to	how screen savers are  integrated
     into the desktop.

  X Server Screen Saver	Extensions
     Dtsession's ability to provide session lock or screen  saver
     launch  after  a specified	period of inactivity depends upon
     the availability of an  X	server	screen	saver  extension.
     Dtsession supports	two such extensions:
	  - X Consortium Sample	X11 Screen Saver Extension 1.0	-
	  HP X Screen Saver Extension

     The ability of dtsession to recognize both, either	 or  none
     of	these extensions is vendor specific.

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  Launching The	Session	Manager
     Dtsession should be launched from the Xsession script. Xses-
     sion  is described	in the login manager specification. It is
     recommended that Xsession be launched from	dtlogin	 as  part
     of	the login sequence as is the default but there are alter-
     native methods of starting	Xsession:

     dtlogin	    the	default	 dtlogin  configuration	 launches
		    Xsession when a user logs in

     proxy	    some systems  will	allow  programs	 such  as
		    xinit, x11start or startx to start Xsession

     The dtsession client is  automatically  invoked  by  the  DT
     Login  Manager (dtlogin(1X)). If desired, dtsession may also
     be	started	on an existing	X  server.  Note  that	dtsession
     automatically starts a window manager.

     This option instructs dtsession not to  restore  a	 previous
     session nor save the session upon logout.

      Exit values are:

     0		    Successful completion.

     >1		    Error condition occurred.

  dtsession -norestore
     Start session manager from	command	 line  without	restoring
     previous session.

  Color	Server
	     Name	    ClassClass	     Type     Default
	colorUse	  ColorUse	    String    DEFAULT
	dynamicColor	  DynamicColor	    Boolean   True
	foregroundColor	  ForegroundColor   String    DYNAMIC
	shadowPixmaps	  ShadowPixmaps	    String    DEFAULT
	writeXrdbColors	  WriteXrdbColors   Boolean   True

  Screen Lock/Screen Save
	  Name		 ClassClass	     Type	 Default
     keys	       Keys		 unsigned char	 NULL
     passwordTimeout   passwordTimeout	 unsigned int	 10

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       Name		  ClassClass		 Type	      Default
queryServerSettings   QueryServerSettings   Boolean	      False
saveFontPath	      SaveFontPath	    Boolean	      False
wmStartupCommand      WmStartupCommand	    executable path   NULL

  colorUse - DEFAULT
     This resource specifies the number	of colors to use for  the
     user interface. Valid types are: Color server will	determine
     type of monitor based upon	number of display planes  of  the
     screen as follows:

     1,2  B_W

     4	  LOW_COLOR


     7+	  HIGH_COLOR

     B_W - Specifies a black and white system. The color palettes
     will  use	two  color  cells for the user interface. In this
     configuration  only  two  color  palettes	 are   available:
     BlackWhite	 and  WhiteBlack.   These palettes cannot dynami-
     cally change. To change a palette,	 all  applications  using
     that  color  palette  must	be restarted. This resource value
     forces ShadowPixmaps to True, and ForegroundColor to  either
     black or white depending on the palette chosen.

     LOW_COLOR - Specifies a low color system. The color palettes
     will have two color sets and use a	maximum	of 12 color cells
     for the user interface, including	black  and  white  (color
     cells  0  and  1).	 The number of co ShadowPixmaps	and Fore-

     MEDIUM_COLOR - Specifies a	medium color  system.  The  color
     palettes  will  have  4  color  sets and use a maximum of 22
     color cells for the  user	interface,  including  black  and
     white  (color  cells 0 and	1). The	number of color	cells can
     be	reduced	by using the resources	ShadowPixmaps  and  Fore-

     HIGH_COLOR	-  Specifies  a	 high  color  system.  The  color
     palettes  will  have  8  color  sets and use a maximum of 42
     color cells for the  user	interface.  including  black  and
     white  (color  cells 0 and	1). The	number of color	cells can
     be	reduced	by using the resources	ShadowPixmaps  and  Fore-

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     This resource can have values of True or False. dynamicColor
     is	used to	reduce the number of color cells being used. Once
     a palette has been	selected and  it  is  not  likely  to  be
     changed,  dynamicColor  can be set	to False. If set to False
     colors cannot be dynamically  changed  using  the	DT  style
     manager.  A  selected palette will	take effect the	next ses-
     sion. The next time the session comes up, the  color  server
     uses  Read	 Only  color  cells  that  can	be  shared by all
     clients, thus reducing the	number of color	cells used.

     This resource can have values of White,  Black  or	 Dynamic.
     ForegroundColor  causes  all text (foreground) to use either
     pixel 0 or	1 (Black or White) or to have a	color cell  dedi-
     cated  to	foreground  and	 changes in response to	the back-
     ground color (Dynamic) for	each ColorSet. If set to White or
     Black,  the  number  of  color  cells  used  per ColorSet is
     reduced by	1.

     This resource is a	list of	keyholders who have  the  ability
     to	 unlock	the screen any time it is locked by the	user. The
     list is a list of user id's separated by commas. For example
     if	 user kim has the following resource active during a ses-

     Dtsession*keys: fred,keith
	  Users	fred and keith have the	 ability  to  unlock  the
	  display when kim locks it.

     This resource specifies (in  seconds)  the	 amount	 of  time
     before  the password dialog is removed from the screen. When
     the display is locked, the	pointer	shows a	lock cursor,  and
     a	dialog	appears	 which	asks for the user password. If no
     activity from  the	 pointer  or  keyboard	is  detected  for
     passwordTimeout  seconds,	the  dialog  is	 removed from the
     screen. The dialog	is redisplayed as soon as  a  pointer  or
     keyboard  event  is detected. An passwordTimeout of 0 leaves
     the password dialog in place for the entire time the display
     is	locked.	The default value is 10	seconds.

     This resource specifies whether dtsession queries the server
     at	 logout	for all	its settings or	saves only those settings
     set by using the  DT  Style  Manager.  Querying  the  server
     ensures  that  all	 settings  are saved; however, there is	a
     degradation in performance	when a full query  is  done.  The
     default value is False, which means that the server will not

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     be	queried.

     For color systems,	this resource can have a value of True or
     False. If True, topShadowColor and	bottomShadowColor use the
     same pixel	as background and topShadowPixmap and  bottomSha-
     dowPixmap are specified instead of	solid color to create the
     3D	look. This reduces the number of color cells per ColorSet
     by	 2.  ShadowPixmaps defaults to True for	systems	with 4 or
     less color	planes (16 or less color cells),  and  False  for
     systems with more than 4 color planes.

     This resource allows for an alternate window manager  to  be
     started  at  login.  If  this  resource  is NULL ,	dtsession
     starts /usr/dt/bin/dtwm. An  alternate  startup  might  look
     like:   Dtsession*wmStartupCommand:  /usr/bin/X11/mwm NOTE	:
     that the command should not have any commands to a	shell  in
     it, and that it should not	be surrounded by quotes. Also, if
     any other window manager other than dtwm  is  used,  clients
     will  be  restored,  but  may not be restored to the correct
     position. By default, this	resource contains a NULL value.

		    The	desktop	default	set of	applications  for
		    the	user's Initial Session.

		    System Administrator specified set of  appli-
		    cations for	the user's Initial Session.

		    The	desktop	default	resources.

		    System administrator specified resources.

		    User specified resources.

     Dtsession stores session information in $HOME/.dt/display or
     $HOME/.dt/sessions.  The content of these directories should
     not be directly edited by the user.

		    Default dtsession resources.

     See related specifications:

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     dtstyle	    Customization of many session properties

     dtscreen	    Desktop screen savers

     dtwm	    Window manager

     dtlogin	    Login manager

		    Session manager actions

     dtsessionfile  Format and location	of desktop session files

		    Format and location	of desktop resource files

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See also dtsession(1)

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